Young People’s Support Services and Websites
WISH Project
Supporting children and young people, in Coventry, who have experienced/ lived with domestic violence and abuse. You can call us for further advice and support following your work with us.
Tel: 02476 225863
Young Minds
GET URGENT MENTAL HEALTH HELP AND SUPPORT from the YoungMinds Crisis Messenger by texting YM to 85258 for free
Website with useful information around young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Offers information on finding help and self-care.
A confidential messaging service for young people (aged 11-18) to contact their local public health nursing (school nursing) and health visiting service. Can ask for help about things such as: emotional health, self-harm and bullying.
Text: 07507 331949 (8:30am-5pm)
Love Respect
Set up by Women’s Aid. It provides support to young people around healthy relationships and the indicators a relationship might be abusive.
Tel: 0808 2000 247 (National Domestic Violence Helpline)
The Crush Project
Supporting young people to make safe and healthy relationship choices. The website has helpful information around identifying domestic abuse, myths and facts around domestic abuse and safety advice.
CRASAC - Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre
Counselling and support for those that have experienced/ witnessed/or want to support someone who has experienced sexual abuse.
Tel: 02476 277777
Positive Choices Coventry
Support for young people experiencing difficulties and/or facing risks around sexual health, substance misuse and difficult relationships.
Tel: 02476 533130
Think U Know
Information on staying safe online. Provides advice about staying safe when you’re on a phone, tablet or computer. Developed by CEOP (child exploitation and online protection).
A service helping anyone under 19 with issues such as: bullying, problems at home, drug misuse… with trained counsellors to listen.
The calm zone has activities and tools to help if you are feeling worried/ anxious, including breathing exercises, yoga videos and games.
Tel: 0800 1111
Coventry and Warwickshire Mind
Information on mental health and local support available for children and young people.
The Hideout
A website created to help children and young people understand domestic abuse and how to take positive action if it’s happening.
Respect Not Fear
Website providing information and advice around healthy relationships and self-esteem for young people.
Disrespect NoBody
Information on healthy relationships, including sexting, consent and abuse in relationships.
Real Love Rocks
Information and support around ‘child sexual exploitation’ (CSE). This website will help you to understand what CSE is, how to keep safe and where to get help if you need to.
Support for any young person who is having thoughts of suicide.
Tel: 0800 0684141
Information and support around alcohol and drugs for young people.
Tel: 0300 123 6600
If you or someone you know are in immediate danger always call 999
Useful apps for Young People
Emotional Wellbeing
Smiling Mind
- A series of short exercises, guiding young people through breathing and becoming aware of their bodies to “put a smile on their mind.”
- Tailored for different age groups; 7-11, 12-15, 16-22
- App checked by WISH team (6/4/2020).
- Have to create an account (free).
- Does not include in-app purchases, or feature contact with others via the app.
- A mental health and wellbeing app, helping you deal with stress, anxiety and depression
- Includes advice, tips and tools to improve your mental health and boost your wellbeing, including 3 relaxation audio tracks
- Lets you track your feelings and log daily achievements
- Body Map to see how stress, depression & anxiety can affect the body
- NHS created, reviewed and recommended (3/4/2020)
- Does not include in app purchases
- Does not feature contact with others via app
- Mindfulness app for kids ages 11 – 17
- Aims to raise self-esteem, self-confidence and happiness levels in young people
- Teaches them about the power of thinking positively and how to choose a more helpful way of thinking
- Has links to helpful video clips and audio of helpful thoughts
- App checked by WISH Team (3/4/2020)
- Does not include in app purchases
- Does not feature contact with others via the app
Internet Matters
- Interactive game between child and adult
- Supports young people to learn about key areas of internet safety: gaming, sharing, cyber bulling, talking to others online, security and downloading info
- Ceop recommended.
- App checked by WISH Team (3/4/20)
- Does not feature contact with others via app
Want to learn more? From Protective Behaviours Training to Mentor Support, Safeguarding Training to Urban Arts, we’re dedicated to providing the best.
Contact Us
Please contact us if you are interested in any of the services we have to offer. Creative Optimistic Visions can tailor any work to suit the needs you require. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any query, we are always happy to talk with you.
213 Walsgrave Road (Ball Hill), Coventry, CV2 4HH
024 7644 5439 / 07532 364 336