We are delighted to share with you our social impact report on our Protective Behaviours Confident Me! Course. This course has been delivered by COV since 2016, with our first pilot being delivered in a store room of a community cafe, to delivering in community settings, alternative provision and women’s prisons.
The purpose of Confident Me! is to improve ones confidence and self esteem, by exploring and challenging our personal and social barriers, with the aim to acknowledge, understand, accept and use Protective Behaviours strategies to progress. This course is our most challenging course, for all those taking part, as we invite people to self reflect and work through the challenges of personal development.
This report is an honest reflection of COV’s journey delivering the course. It demonstrates our learnings, and how we wish to improve our delivery moving forward with future courses. It has been an absolute pleasure working with all those who have participated in the course, and COV would like to give thanks to all those who have engaged, connected and shared their journey with us.
To find our more about Confident Me! and how you or someone you know could join please visit here.
You can read and or download our report below.
Thank you for reading.